
I hope you all are still reading my posts! Todays article is about…drumroll please… art! Who would have guessed that? As you can see on my website, I draw. But, I made those drawing a long time ago.I want to update them, don’t you think? But, I don’t only draw. Recently my mom bought me a Harry Potter lego set. I am a HUGE Potter-head, but that for a different time. This set was Dumbledore’s(the Hogwarts head master) Phoenix, Fawkes. The picture below is how much I’ve don’t so far. I’ll post again once I finish it. Also, isn’t music an art? I play the Carnatic violin, do choir in school, and sing Carnatic music. Oh, and baking/cooking is an art. My sister and I make the best cinnamon buns, unless you all disagree. Actually, if you want, you can put in the comments who is your favorite cook, and what is your favorite dish made but them. My mom make amazing food, but if you have read one of my old posts, you would understand. Thank you all for listening!

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